
Monday December 28th sunny and cool

With 6 people: We picked roccolla, ladies finger, a lot of micro greens and sprouts. We continued clearing a bed in the Souryan garden. We re-tied up some tomatoes where the squirrels had taken away the string for their nests. They are all now standing nicely upright. We did some much needed grass cutting in

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Saturday December 26th cool and sunny

With 6 people: We picked a few ladies finger, pumpkins, micro greens and sprouts. We replanted a lettuce bed in Le Jardin, replanting seedlings where the originals hadn’t survived. We cleared a bed in the Souryan garden We took diseased leaves of brinjal plants in the Pryog garden.

Friday December 25th sunny and cool

With 7 people: We picked roccolla and micro greens We planted tomatoes on a bed in the Souryan garden and since the plants were some distance apart we made small patches of earth where we planted radish seed to grow into micro greens. We weeded two beds in the Seed Garden.